Frequently Asked Questions

If you know the supplier, buying is easy. Sourcing is the process of finding the right supplier that fits your ideal pricing and quality requirements, which takes time and expertise to secure the best deal for your organization.

From commodities to customizations and more, Unique Source can source any product or service you need. You name it, we’ll source it. Just contact us for more details.

We welcome any organization looking to procure goods and services from emerging markets. Whether for export or to support your local industry, we would love to offer our assistance and support!

Depending on what you are looking for, we work closely with a wide range of suppliers, locally and internationally. From small, family-owned businesses to multi-national companies, we are always expanding our database. 

From the initial brief to quantifying the potential value opportunity, it takes between a few days for categories we are well-versed with, to up to 2 months for new categories. We set up estimated timelines based on your sourcing requirements, so that you can have a better idea of the overall duration needed.

Payment will be based on results: a percentage of the purchasing volume is paid to us, based on the type of product/service and the project value. This ensures a win-win outcome for all parties.

Simply get in touch with us via the enquiry form in our contact page. You can also e-mail us at or give our experienced team a call at 03-5870 3128.

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